The SafeFish secretariat maintains a list of technical and industry stakeholders who can be contacted to provide scientific advice and industry perspective on issues affecting seafood to assist in their resolution.
Technical Experts Pool
The Technical Experts Pool provides scientific advice to resolve technical barriers to trade and assist in providing input into the development of Codex standards.
The experts within this group have knowledge and skills in a range of disciplines including; Residues, Microbiology, Viruses, Natural toxins, Risk assessment, Epidemiology, Economics, Trade, Public health and Codex.
Industry Technical Pool
The Industry Technical Pool provides industry perspective and practical implementation advice on technical barriers to trade and Codex standards under development. The Pool consists of members from each key seafood industry sector, in addition to other representatives with industry experience.
The SafeFish secretariat periodically requests the input of experts to assist resolving food safety and technical trade issues. To be included in these communications, please register your interest on this page by subscribing below.